Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Well I wanted to let all know that things happened very quickly regarding Hanover College. My daughter is half way through her senior year and has been looking into colleges for over a year. She has visited numerous schools, College of Wooster, Midway College, University of Cumberlands, Belleramine, Northern Kentucky University, College of Saint Rose, Lindsey Wilson and Hanover College. Most of these schools were in the discussion around the house for a while.

But back in December something prompted Stacey to apply at Hanover. I am not sure why it was never mentioned. She applied and received early acceptance along with college scholarship money. This was no different than some of the schools above. But you could tell something was different in the way she was looking at Hanover. We had never been to the campus and she never even spoke to the soccer coach. During Christmas break she emailed the coach and we met with him just after New Years. Stacey really like him and so did I. Then a week ago she attended the competitive scholarship weekend. Stacey, her dad and I all fell in love with the campus. Her dad and I both felt this was the right school. They have so much to offer and we knew this was the school that would challenge her and she would excel.

So on Sunday night during the first half of the Superbowl Stacey decided she was going to Hanover College in the fall. We are all so excited. You know at some point you start to loose hope that she would even make it to college it all because so stressful. She is excited about the decision and so are we. She will be going away to college but only an hour and half. Close enough for her dad to go have lunch with her if he wants.

It is one of the proudest moments a parents can have. As my mom said on her blog "You go Girl , the world awaits you"

Weekly Menu February 1

Superbowl Sunday: Appetizers

Monday: Mexican Chicken Soup

Tuesday: Banana French Toast, Bacon

Wednesday: White Bean and Ham Soup

Thursday: Chicken Noodle Casserole

Friday: Spag and Meatballs, Garlic Bread

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Daughers, Mothers, Grandmothers

I was adding music to my blog and I thought I would add a song by Taylor Swift The Best Day that was talking about her day with her mom. The other day Stacey (my daughter) and I were driving in her car and this song came on and she told me how much it reminded her of me. It touched my heart when I finally listened to the words. My daughter is 18 and looking back over the years I could not have asked for better memories of us together. Oh don't get me wrong we have had our moments but the good memories far out weigh the others. Just us in the car singing at the top of lungs, us getting up in the middle of the night and driving 1/2 hour to watch the comets. Or us just hanging out together.

So when I was looking to put songs on this blog I thought I would pick songs that had to do with mothers or grandmothers.

Where would I be without my mother? I would hate to think of how I would have turned out if I didn't have my mother to guide me a long the way. I am the oldest of two and I always think that mom made her mistakes with me but at the same time I was hard to raise. My brother was very laid back and a momma boy. I definitely wasn't, I was very independent from the day I was born and I am still very independent. I needed a lot of steering in the right away but not always willing to go. Mom was always patient and persistence over the years. I believe I am the mother that I am because of the way she was a mother to me.

My Angel by Kellie Pickler The first time I heard this song it instantly brought tears to my eyes. I was fortunate to have two wonderful grandmothers that I spent a lot of time with while growing up. So I can say I actually had 3 mothers. My Grandmother Jett was an amazing person. I remember going on trips with her, playing with her dolls, the feather bed that she would pull down the steps for me to sleep on with my friends. I believe she had a big part of my upbringing. Through her own voice and actions and through my mothers. My Grandmother Filer was a little different. She was my sweet tooth grandmother so we always had candy and sweets around. I spent a lot of summers with her when I was younger. She was the one we would walk to town with and she was always sneaking me things behind my parents. I was very blessed to have such wonderful grandmothers in my life.

The last song you will hear is Somebody's Hero by Jamie O'Neal this is a song about how I wish to be viewed. I want my kids to considered me as their Hero.

Monday, January 26, 2009


Okay so today I received my tax information from my employer. So I thought i would sit down and work on our taxes so I can begin filling out the FAFSA forms. I have been sitting here since 4:30 working on these and I am still not finished. I am only half way down with the FAFSA. This is the first year that I am having to feel this form out and everyone keeps asking me have you down have you gotten it in yet. I am trying people it gives me a headache every time I look at it. It ask for so much information and then more information and then again more. I feel like I have entered the information over and over again. Then to think everything rides on this one form. My daughter Stacey is choosing to go to liberal arts college which we are finding are very expensive. We want her to receive everything possible during her college years and we believe the liberal arts schools have so much more to offer. Unfortunately we as a family have been unable to save for college for her. We have stressed good grades gotta make the grades. She has worked very hard to do this. She has volunteered, she plays sports, she holds leadership positions in the community, she works during the summer and now everything comes down to the FAFSA form. How much need do we need? She has received scholarship for everything she has accomplished in high school however there is still need to make up the rest. She really doesn't want to end her 4 year college career with a huge amount of debt hanging over her head. So now we wait on FAFSA form and how much need they say we need.

So to all out there with small children start saving now. If it is only 5.00 to 10.00 a week put it away. Save it. That way you won't need to rely on the FAFSA.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Menu for week of January 24

Sunday: Ham and Scalloped Pototoes

Monday: Salmon, Rice, Brocolli

Tuesday: Crock Pot Cream Cheese Chicken

Wednesday: Slow Cooker Enchiladas, Salsa, Chips

Thursday: BBQ Sandwiches and Garlic Oven Fries

Friday: CrockPot Chicken n Dumplies

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Kroger Stop - Jan 22

All week I have been reading about everyones great shopping trips at Krogers this week. I am into couponing but I don't have it down as well as others. I am still in the learning phase. This week at Kroger they are having their mega sale. Buy 10 participating items and receive $5 off your total. So last night I sat and scanned everyones blogs trying to plan a quick trip after work. I made my husband go with me because I had more than the limit of 3 per transaction. So here is what I got.

My Cart

8 cans of Hormel Chili
10 cans of diced tomatoes
11 bags of Quaker Mini Rice Cakes
2 boxes of Orville Popcorn

Total Before Plus Card and Coupons: 50.41

Total after: .68 cents Saved 98%

Actually after she entered all my coupons they owed me .32 cents but that was allowed so she gave me 1 coupons back so I paid the .68 cents. I was so excited about this. I know I didn't get a lot but it is stuff that we love to use but is so expensive normally.