Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Daughers, Mothers, Grandmothers

I was adding music to my blog and I thought I would add a song by Taylor Swift The Best Day that was talking about her day with her mom. The other day Stacey (my daughter) and I were driving in her car and this song came on and she told me how much it reminded her of me. It touched my heart when I finally listened to the words. My daughter is 18 and looking back over the years I could not have asked for better memories of us together. Oh don't get me wrong we have had our moments but the good memories far out weigh the others. Just us in the car singing at the top of lungs, us getting up in the middle of the night and driving 1/2 hour to watch the comets. Or us just hanging out together.

So when I was looking to put songs on this blog I thought I would pick songs that had to do with mothers or grandmothers.

Where would I be without my mother? I would hate to think of how I would have turned out if I didn't have my mother to guide me a long the way. I am the oldest of two and I always think that mom made her mistakes with me but at the same time I was hard to raise. My brother was very laid back and a momma boy. I definitely wasn't, I was very independent from the day I was born and I am still very independent. I needed a lot of steering in the right away but not always willing to go. Mom was always patient and persistence over the years. I believe I am the mother that I am because of the way she was a mother to me.

My Angel by Kellie Pickler The first time I heard this song it instantly brought tears to my eyes. I was fortunate to have two wonderful grandmothers that I spent a lot of time with while growing up. So I can say I actually had 3 mothers. My Grandmother Jett was an amazing person. I remember going on trips with her, playing with her dolls, the feather bed that she would pull down the steps for me to sleep on with my friends. I believe she had a big part of my upbringing. Through her own voice and actions and through my mothers. My Grandmother Filer was a little different. She was my sweet tooth grandmother so we always had candy and sweets around. I spent a lot of summers with her when I was younger. She was the one we would walk to town with and she was always sneaking me things behind my parents. I was very blessed to have such wonderful grandmothers in my life.

The last song you will hear is Somebody's Hero by Jamie O'Neal this is a song about how I wish to be viewed. I want my kids to considered me as their Hero.

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